Superman Abs Challenge – Strong Arm Challenge… (SAC/SAC)

Two posts in one day!?! What am I, an actual real life blogger? sheesh! 

First things first.  I realized today that I never followed up with the finished/after pic of the EPIC cupcake cake I posted about here.  I was going to apologize about the picture quality, but until I become independently wealthy and can afford a really fancy pants camera and photography classes, I think the quality of my pics will remain the same, with sub par iPhone pics. 

Not too shabby for our first decorating attempt!

needless to say, it was a hit!

My day today ended with this: 

ANOTHER "party in my mouth!"/pre-dinner snack

This little gem contained vanilla, pineapple/banana, and original tart froyo topped with coconut and sprinkles. I’m 8. 

In my defense, I left work at 6:00pm and still had an hour drive home…AND this was the temperature when I got into my car. Pleasant, no? 


My eats for the day: 


  • ½ c oats
  • ½ tbsp chia seeds
  • 1/4c almond milk
  • ½ tbsp peanut butter
  • ½ frozen banana (heated with oats).  Call me weird, but this makes them SO creamy!
  • Homemade iced coffee with 1tbsp Chocolate Toffee Creamer


*note*: from this point forward, anytime I say “Typical Breakfast”, let it be known that THIS is what I had.  9 times out of 10, this is what I eat for breakfast.  Call me booooooring, but if I had my way, I’d eat this 3 times a day. 


  • Salad that contained the following:
  • Spinach. SO MUCH spinach
  • ¼ c fresh pineapple
  • Two apple slices, chopped up small
  • 1 laughing cow wedge
  • Garden Burger (crumbled up over the bed of spinach)
  • “dressed” with BBQ sauce.  I have a mild obsession with this condiment.


  • Pineapple
  • The remaining apple from my salad
  • Iced Americano from the ‘bux
  • Froyo pictured above


Undecided at this point, but something delicious, this I guarantee. 

Ok, so, back to the point of this post…I’m an acronym freak.  If I can, I will make any and every saying into an acronym.  Just roll with it.  I’m also obsessed with creating “challenges”.   

November of last year, my BMF and I came up with “SAC” challenges, which would span from one significant date to the next.  They typically started on a date I thought was cool (even numbers, numbers divisible by others, etc.  Did you read my “about me”? I’m an accountant nerd, do you expect normal behavior from me, really?) and would go to the significant date of either a holiday, or a race.  We got up to SAC^4 challenge, with slight variations each challenge.  They always included abdominal work (something we both wanted to work on) and mine usually had arms involved, too (another area under construction with me!).  The challenge was doing 16min of work on that area, every other day (so 16min of abs one day, 16 min of arms the next). 

Those competitions sort of took the back burner recently, but two days ago, July 14th (7/14, 14 is divisible by 7…7 is a lucky number and this therefore makes it a good date to start…?  am I really divulging what a weirdo I really am????????) I started a new challenge, and I invite you to join! 

I’ve never had nice abs (my BEST running buddies (who I will refer to as “The Clouds” from here on out), and I would joke and call our abs “stealth abs” meaning they were basically non-existent to the naked eye, but we just KNEW they were in there somewhere…just being stealthy!  When our last challenge ended, my abs were actually starting to show a little definition (crazy, for me), but since then, they have once again become my “stealth abs”. 

What this challenge entails: 

My new challenge (Superman Abs Challenge and Strong Arms Challenge) is this: 

Each day, perform 8 min of some sort of abdominal and 8 min of arm strength work.  My all-time favorite 8 minute workouts to do, and you are encouraged to at least check out (if nothing else, for a good laugh) are these little gems: 

8 min arms 

8 min abs 

It is apparent by the quality of the filming, the music and the clothing that each of the videos was filmed in the early 90’s.  The men are clad in what I like to call “man-o-tards” (man leotards) and the women for sure are ‘sportin the thong leotards over shorts look.  They are nothing short of amazing….But hear me! As silly as they may look at first glance, they really are pretty good for a completely FREE (holllla!) nice, quick little strength workout.  Plus, any video that tells you that you can “use tomata cans” as weights is pretty darn fantastic in my book!!!!! 

So there you have it!  The SAC/SAC has begun, and I invite you to join me on it!  You are of course welcome to do your own variation of workouts, and if 8min on those muscle groups doesn’t work for you, change it up!  I just want some people to challenge their bodies with me here! 

So, let me know if you want to participate, and I’ll periodically check in with you on your thoughts about the challenge, give you opportunities to brag, give opportunities to curse my name for making you watch the man-o-tard videos! =0) 

Are you up for the challenge?  Let me know what you are going to challenge your body with this month (challenge will go until August 14th)!  Get creative!  Keep it real, yo! 


Off to put on my thong-o-tard…



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6 responses to “Superman Abs Challenge – Strong Arm Challenge… (SAC/SAC)

  1. Girl that cupcake cake looks amazing! I. MUST. try.

  2. It’s hot everywhere I feel! 116 here this past week – NOT cool! That cupcake looks DIVINE!!

  3. I’m challenging my body by pushing it to it’s limits during workouts. Keeping it safe, of course..but I’m starting to see real muscle growth and I feel so much better!! Except for today when my body’s yelling at me for all the hard work. :/

  4. Pingback: VGCC – Eggplant-Potato Moussaka with Pine Nut Cream « Janna's Keeping It Real!

  5. Pingback: Fall Goals! « Janna's Keeping It Real!

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